Thursday 12 June 2008


I couldn’t resist. Apparently I find myself in a mall at the precise moment the zombie legions choose(?) to launch their all-out assault on humanity. I have:

  1. one weapon;
  2. one song blasting on the speakers; and
  3. one famous person to fight alongside me.

Too easy:

  1. ‘68 Les Paul;
  2. Living Dead Girl (when that finishes, anything else Rob Zombie); and
  3. Natalie Portman.

Seriously — picture her, in all her shaved-headed glory, swinging away with a Gibson. Do it. Now.

Yeah, that’s right.


Unknown said...

Haha, absolutely fantastic.


Dmitri said...

Hm... ok, I'll bite.

Rammstein (Since Rob Zombie is taken)
Bruce Willis wielding an axe

Because really, when Bruce Willis applies an axe, even a zombie will realise it's been hit.

just jeff said...

Mmmm, Bruce. I reckon his crazy look is one of the best in the industry.

just jeff said...

BTW, Edin, are you blogging these days?

Miss Jane said...

1. Broadsword.
2. Who Wants To Live Forever? (Queen)
3. Christopher Lambert in his Connor MacLeod persona :)