Tuesday 17 July 2007

MIT OpenCourseWare rocks my world

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is doing great things with its OpenCourseWare initiative, the existence of which reflects an attitude I can really respect. Take a look at the Wikipedia article for some interesting background and commentary.

Meanwhile, my place of study seems to be heading in roughly the opposite direction (DEAD LINK), and are pulling a lot of material that used to be publicly available.

UPDATE: The original page has now been removed from their public website, and moved to a private internal site. I can certainly understand the move; if I were them, I wouldn’t want the kind of organisational attitude revealed therein known publicly! Monash students and staff can view the new page here.

A heads-up on any other open educational resources like OpenCourseWare would be greatly appreciated!

This post has been an exercise in getting to the damn point. :)